How Hormones Affect Your Skin

Hormones control so many of our bodily functions; anyone who has ever had issues with sleep or their menstrual struggle can attest to that. Hormones can also have a significant impact on your skin.

Hormones increased during stress can make our skin look dull, menstrual hormones fluctuate monthly, causing breakouts, and a decrease in sleep hormones on restless nights inhibits skin repair. These are some of the many skin changes that hormonal fluctuations can cause.

Stress hormones

Did you know that many skin conditions are linked to our psychology? Crazy to think, but these skin responses like acne and eczema can happen when we don't properly manage stress.

The stress hormone from long-term stress, cortisol, causes the skin to become oily, leading to eczema, acne, dandruff, and other skin-related issues. Stress responses lead to behaviors like scratching or picking a spot on their skin, causing scars. For many, this behavior is more of a compulsion that falls into an area of psychological study called "excoria."

Menstrual cycle hormones

Estrogen and progesterone hugely impact your skin, both good and bad. Studies in cycle syncing have shown us that in the first half of our cycle, hormones give us a boost stimulating hydration, elastin, and collagen production, making our skin plump and dewy. But, after you have ovulated, our skin foe-progesterone stimulates oil production leading to blocked pores.

Sleep hormones

If you've complained about dark circles under your eyes, you have probably considered whether or not you are getting enough rest. Our bodies secrete the hormone Melatonin at night to signal the repair of damaged cells, collagen rebuilding, and skin detoxification. Lack of sleep dramatically inhibits the skin's ability to repair and can also trigger stress hormones (Cortisol) to make matters worse. So, there is some truth to getting your beauty rest.

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