Can Age make my Pores Bigger?


Pores are so much more than frustrating little dots on the skin that occasionally get plugged up and cause pimples. Our pores allow the skin to sweat to regulate the body’s temperature. Pores also house hair follicles, both large and tiny vellus hairs that move the oil (sebum) from the inside of the pore, which keeps our skin waterproof, moisturized + protected.

Pores may appear large when we sweat, produce excessive oil when we use the wrong products, there is pollution (because it breaks down collagen + elastin, leading to weakened pore walls), we are inflamed, scarring or with age (collagen/elastin loss with hormone changes).

Here are 3 ways to reduce large pores:

  • Reduce excess oil on the skin (use products that can help regulate sebum production, Try The Puractive+ line from GMCollin)
  • Daily movement that makes you sweat! Exercise naturally detoxes your pores and flushes debris and toxins deep inside the pore.
  • Boost your collagen production with peptides and massage. Collagen and elastin determine the pore structure.

By reducing collagen breakdown & supporting collagen production, we can help prevent the pore from stretching out of shape and becoming “large.” You can boost collagen through food, supplements, home, and in-clinic treatments.